Life's an Adventure. Prepare for it!
"The Ultimate Off Leash Dog Training Program"
For dogs everything’s an adventure; being brought to a cookout, a hike in the woods, running on a beach, tagging along at a café or even just doing errands.
Our "Life's an Adventure" Program
6 weeks | $6,500
Everyday adventures, whether exhilarating or mundane, require preparation if you want instant control in the midst of heightened distractions. Life’s an Adventure is the ultimate dog training program to prepare you, and your dog, to enjoy these adventures together.
Life's and Adventure prepares your dog for just about anything he or she may encounter. The first half of the training program is about teaching exercises. The second half is focused on integrating that training into everyday life, and insuring it is fully functional under extreme distraction and in adverse environments. We achieve these results by changing trainers, using extreme distractions and sabotage as well as excursions out to busy and unusual environments.
Obedience Exercises
This advanced off-leash obedience program starts by adding new obedience skills to the Naked Obedience Fundamentals foundation:
Sit/ Stay (under extreme distraction)
Sit-in-motion: sit anywhere anytime even if moving when the command is given
Down: elbows remain on the floor or ground
Down/ stay (under extreme distraction)
Down-in-motion: drop into the down instantly, including at a distance and while moving
Formal Heel: Dog's shoulder is level with owner's left leg, automatically sit whenever owner stops
Relaxed Heel: Remain within 2 to 3 foot radius (depending on owner's preference)
Extended Heel: Remain within a 15 foot radius (perfect for hiking or outdoor activities)
Formal recall: Spin around (usually on one foot!) instantly and return to owner
Informal Recall: Return to owner
More on Distractions and Sabotage
We intentionally try to surpass what most active well-traveled dogs will likely ever encounter. This is what makes everyday adventures so easy after this comprehensive training program.
Distractions: use toys, food, objects and other dogs (dogs must be able to step on and over them while in down command)
False commands: teaches to zero in on actual command
Counter commands: teaches to remain under command of handler
Environmental stress: new environments, unstable environments; environmental stressors
Resist forced disobedience: resist being pulled out of sit, down and even heel
Impeccable Manners
Your dog will learn to have impeccable, in everyday life, without the need for commands. This is achieved through the use of non-verbal long-term rules that are always in effect. These rules govern everyday behavior which are usually what most owners see as manners. They often are the solution to whatever behavioral problems a day may have had when entering the training program. These include the following:
No counter surfing
No jumping on furniture (unless given a command)
No jumping on people (unless given a command)
No barking (unless desirable at a door; then to stop barking on command)
No biting or nipping (people)
No chewing
Calm demeanor in the house
Go to the bathroom in one designated spot while owner remains at the door (ideal for winter time)
Manners with other dogs
"The Naked Way"
"The Naked Way" is the process of creating a life of freedom for your dog, but with the non-verbal long-term rules which govern behavior. If there are too many rules, then they can take away from your dog enjoying their life. Too few rules and your dog may take away from you enjoying your life! Therefore balancing freedom with rules and the use of commands is extremely important. Our coaching you in designing this balanced life is an important part of this training program.
Time and Expense
We understand that a 6 week commitment to be away from your dog is significant, as is the cost. That 6 week commitment and cost, when compared to the lifetime of freedom your dog will enjoy as a result, makes it a worthy investment. Plus, our training is thoroughly enjoyable for your dog. It's 6 weeks of fun, and deeply rewarding satisfaction, while "in school".