Board and Train
Our Board and Train is perfect for owners with busy schedules, who travel a distance to get to us and for clients who need to break the cycle of bad behaviors while their dog is being trained.

One benefit of the Board and Train option is it breaks the cycle of behavior while your dog is being trained
Dogs can be enrolled in any of our dog training programs as either Board and Train or Day School. Our specialized training programs also have a weekly class option. They do require the Dog Training Fundamentals as a foundation.
How Does Board and Train Work?
In our Board and Train program, formally call our Bed and Breakfast, your dog is in a traditional boarding kennel environment while going through their training. Our traditional boarding kennel set up includes indoor/ outdoor chain link kennels so that dogs are always separated during their stay. We use wood shavings on the floor to help keep dogs clean throughout their stay with us. The boarding is including in the cost of the training program.
Board and Train with Home Care
We offer home care as an option for board and train clients. For an additional $75 a day, which is paid directly to our staff, your dog can go home with a staff member at the end of the day.
Home for Weekends
Most dogs remain with us the entire time while going through their Board and Train program. For most dogs, going home for the weekend is an option. Just arrange for a late pick up in Friday afternoon and a Monday drop off.​